Monday, October 19, 2009

2009 Garden Re-cap

I started this blog as a garden journal. So, here's the re-cap of the Garden 2009:

The soil in my garden is bad. Bad, bad, bad. I definitely need to do some soil modification.
I planted tomatoes, lettuce, broccoli, cucumbers, cantaloupe, and some herbs.
  • the cucumbers didn't grow, had a few fruit (none edible), but ultimately developed white patches on the leaves, withered up, and died

Verdict: try again next year, but maybe plant lemon cucumbers for pickling

  • the cantaloupe grew and grew, even had flowers, but never developed fruit.
Verdict: try again next year
  • the broccoli was somewhat fruitful, but I didn't know how big to let the heads get before harvesting them so many of them ended up flowering and inedible
Verdict: not worth growing, just buy at store when on sale
  • the tomatoes did ok. The plants didn't produce big fruit, but there was quite a bit of it. One of my plants got yanked out of the ground early on.
Verdict: Definitely planing again!! This time I will go to Peaceful Belly Farms here in town. I definitely want to get some green zebra and other fun colorful heirloom plants (Kyle liked the purple brandywine over the orange one)

  • the lettuce did great and produced a lot for a long time. I will definitely plant that plus spinach next year.
My blueberry bushes got fried in the garden again this year. My theory was that the first year they were planted, they just had transplant shock. Husband was right: it was just too sunny of a spot for them. Last weekend I transplanted them into whiskey barrels under a big redwood we have in the yard. Hopefully they do better in year three!
I also just planted garlic and strawberry plants that a friend was thinning out. We'll see how they do through the winter and hopefully pop up in the spring. The spinach I attempted to grow in the fall cool season did not grow well because it was hot hot and then froze. I am contemplating trying to winter it over with straw.

And last but not least, I now have a little garden helper:

I'm pleased to introduce Charlie!! She loves to fetch, roll in the yard, and hang out in the garden when I'm working in it. :)

NOTE: I also want to grow Tromboncini squash!!!

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