Something else that makes me happy: having a day to do whatever we want. No pressure, no appointments, no running around. Of course, things done include yard work, garage sale-ing, and giving the dog a bath. Oh the exciting life I lead. But it's nice to just putter around by Husband's side.
Into the garden went the following:
The second round of carrots
"Grow Organic" Lettuce - Gourmet Blend (including Red Oak Leaf, Green Romaine, Red Lollo Rossa, Green Leaf, and Green Butterhead. Days to germination: 10-15; days to maturity: 45-50. The package says to sow when soil warms after danger of frost, but my grandpa already has lettuce coming up and everything I've read elsewhere says it's a cool weather crop. Guess we'll see.
Livingston Seed Bloomsdale Long-Standing Spinach - Days to germination: 7-10; days to maturity: 48.
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