The veggie pictured above is a Tromboncino summer squash. I've been looking for a plant to grow in my garden, but I would have settled for seeds too. No one I talked to had even heard of it before, but as I was strolling through the veggie section at Edwards Greenhouse today, there it was! Woot! I didn't have the energy to get it in the garden today, but it's ok as the temperature is supposed to dip this week. I'm excited for the artichoke-flavored squash, and from what I read, it rivals zucchini in production. I'll have plenty to share!
I did force myself to get out in the sun a little bit. I got some free basil seeds so I made newspaper seed starter pots. I decided I am going to make pesto. I have planted:
Genovese Basil: "Of all the basils to grow, and there are about 150 varieties, Genovese basil is one of the best because it yields 7 to 8 cuttings and makes the best pesto." www.superbherbs.com
Lemon Basil: "A basil with a lemon/citrus fragrance and flavor which makes it particularly good in vinegar, with fish, in salad dressings & sauces, and in oils. Great in pesto and other standard basil dishes, too." www.gardenguides.com
We've got Lemon Basil in our AeroGarden -- it's prolific, but we find it's flavor is pretty strong and tend to want to use the genovese and others more. Yesterday we made pesto, one with lemon basil, the other with everything else -- so we'll get to do a head-to-head on this one.