Friday, March 5, 2010

This is a rough sketch of my garden plan for the year. (No one would ever look at this and believe I did this or this. Yes, this sketch is why I do not label myself 'artist'.) Anywho, on to the plan. I just now decided what to fill my garden with. I have on there Sugar Snap peas, letuce, spinach, carrots, garlic, tomato, pepper, onion, melon and a squash. Figured it'd be a good year for a salsa theme since I already had the garlic in the ground - and popping up! What I realized though is that it is now the perfect time to not only plant the peas but to also get the onions in the ground. On the to do list for the weekend: Get and plant onions, stake the trellises and plant peas, get pot and soil and transplant the peonies from the middle of the grass, and on the non-gardening side of life: refinish a little side table.

I discovered this little gem of a website today: Even though it's a British website, it allows you to put in your city (UK, Australia, or the US) and it shows all sorts of neat things like what to do this week, when to plant plants, etc. I will poke around more when I have a chance.
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1 comment:

  1. you left a comment on my blog asking for the scripture case pattern. If you're still interested, will you send me you email address to trashytrasha at gmail dot com and I'll get that right over to ya. Thanks!
