Friday, March 19, 2010

Megan, this one's for you :)

A few weeks ago I went out scouting around garage sales. I couldn't make it to an estate sale before I was meeting up with Megan, so after we had completed the day's check list, I asked if she would want to run by this estate sale. (If there's only one thing on the check list, is it ok to feel accomplished when it's finished?) First lesson learned: if you want something, or think you might want something, or are thinking about thinking of wanting something, pick it up. You can always set it back down, but you can't snatch said item out of the hands of another lucky son of a gun. :) Anywho, I had picked out this specific sale because it stated that it had a "large collection of hankies." Megan thought I was crazy, but I told her I had plans for the hankies. So, Megan, here's what I did with them:
Hankie flower:

I also made a hankie baby bonnet but being that it was the first attempt, I will spare you the pictures.

Unrelated to hankies, but still a sewing project: I apparently have also become a prude. I have a polo dress that I absolutely love, but I always felt like I was tugging on the bottom. I used to think anything past the fingertips was sufficiently long. Sigh. I guess this is what happens when you get old. (Hear that, Family? No one can utter the words, "But you're still so young!" any longer. It's been disproved. :) So what is a lady to do?

Add super cute eyelet fabric to the bottom, of course!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the hankie flower!!! Let's go find more hankies so that you can make me one. Second, love that you dedicated a posting to me!! Third, love the dress idea. I know you were nervous about it being too short, so great solution!!
