To my surprise I discovered the first round of peas have popped up today! Even through the snow we had today. Yes, snow. Yay for peas!
Hanging Chaise Lounger Hammock Chair with Canopy
9 hours ago
I also made a hankie baby bonnet but being that it was the first attempt, I will spare you the pictures.
Unrelated to hankies, but still a sewing project: I apparently have also become a prude. I have a polo dress that I absolutely love, but I always felt like I was tugging on the bottom. I used to think anything past the fingertips was sufficiently long. Sigh. I guess this is what happens when you get old. (Hear that, Family? No one can utter the words, "But you're still so young!" any longer. It's been disproved. :) So what is a lady to do?