Saturday, April 16, 2011


I finally got in the garden today! I haven't had a chance to put together an extensive plan so we're just going with it this year. I have started inside some asparagus bean plants. Today I planted sugar snap peas and peas. I know I wasn't going to do carrots again this year, but I discovered I had some seed left from last year. Those made it into the ground today too. Hopefully this year will be more fruitful. Yay for the garden!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alli!

    It sure is good to hear from you :) I hope you get this cuz this is the only blog I could find for you... I am seeing a midwife for all my check-ups. They work in the same office as 3 doctors and she told me that she can be there for the delivery and do most of it herself but the doctor on call has to be present and step in when needed. I'm still doing it at the hospital, not at home, so that is why it can work!

    I hope you are doing well... I'm guessing you hav e a little one! Congratulations! Thanks for saying hello!
