The garden is settling into the summer heat. The spinach produced ok; I'll try again for a fall harvest. The sugar snap peas were great! I ate my fill and had some to share, but I'm still contemplating adding more trellises for more plants next year. The lettuce is growing stong, but I'm sad to say that with certain food aversions, lettuce is one that does not sound appetizing. (I have been craving cherries - weird since I've never been much of a fan -, chocolate-coverd pineapple, and avacados.) The carrots are hanging in there and I'm impatient for them to get big enough to eat. The peppers are still small, but the one that was stripped does have new leaves! The basil is struggling. Most of it withered away, and I suspect it's getting too much sun. I'm contemplating getting an indoor pot to try again. The garlic is just about ready to harvest. They say to harvest when the bottom six leaves have turned brown - we're at about 4 or 5. Woohoo!
The squash was planted next to the peas to use the trellises. This plant did have one little squash starting already, but it was decapitated. Stupid birds, or squirrels. I'm not sure. But here's to hoping these flowers produce!
I had some rogue dill pop up. Can I use these flowers, or just the whispy part below? Should I have harvested before it flowered?
A few onions have these little poofs. Driving past some onion fields over the weekend I noticed all of them had the poofs. Hopefully that means something is going right?
It won't be long before we have fresh tomato goodness! I'm exited to try the Black Zebra, and so far it's winning the race. (Which is surprising since it's beating Oregon Spring which is supposed to be an early producer.) The Anna Russian looks down some days - I've wondered if it would make it - and its wine-bottle-waterer is always empty. Thirsty little plant!
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