Sunday, May 16, 2010

What's in Bloom

I returned today from my sister's graduation in DC. Her law school graduation. At which was was a speaker. I'm so proud of her!

I came back to some bummers and some beauties! One of my squash plants had been dug up and put aside - roots in tact. I just replanted it, and we shall see. One of my pepper plants has been beleafed. I can't say it was beheaded because the stem is still standing; all the leaves are just gone. Oh well, I will continue to water and will see on that one too. Everything else in the garden seems to be dandy.

Now for what's in bloom:

Snow in Summer (the kind I like to see)

These I got from my MIL. Can't remember what they're called? The one on the left is the first on the plant.

First bearded iris of the summer. It's about 4 feet tall!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks sis! Let's BBQ in your yard whenever Idaho realizes it's summertime.
