Ah the perils of having a garden by the sidewalk. Earlier this year, one of my tomato-supporting bamboo tee-pees was swipped. While I tried to tell myself someone needed it to support their in-need family with a garden, there are some actions that just can't be given the benefit of the doubt no matter how hard I try. Like the discovery we made today: Someone viciously ripped one of the tomato plants from the ground. Two tee-pees were connected w
ith string. The one in the foreground was completely out of the ground leaning on the fence, the plant right along with it. The one behind it in the picture was just topled over. I managed to get both tee-pees standing upright again, but not without a number of casualties. I replanted the one in hopes that with a little TLC it will make it. If it just keeps withering, I will salvage what I can. :(

I am posting a question again: what makes a tomato split? I now have two split tomatoes (one in the picture on the left), but all the tomatoes one plant over are just fine (pic on the right)! Is it a problem with the soil, the water, the sun? I just don't know what variable is effecting one plant and not the other.
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